Heart and Soul Park is a small, music-themed community park in the historic Northwest section of West Palm Beach. It was built as a continuation of the adjacent award-winning 7th Street Streetscape. The Park features a musical themed play structure and swing set under colorful shade structures and a piano key-themed walkway winds through open green areas. Musical site furnishings along the walkway can be played like instruments. The sidewalks around the perimeter of the park feature colored concrete with decorative scoring, which ties into the paver patio area for picnic tables, benches and other park site furnishings. Custom concrete site walls spread around the park offer additional seating, as well as a place to conceal electrical for site lighting. Fresh landscaping, including a large field-grown live oak, and irrigation complete the new park. A lively ribbon cutting ceremony was held in June 2021. Heart and Soul Park was completed on time and under budget.